Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Musings about Ireland - Coffee and Tea

Carte Noire - Arabica Exclusif
Coffee... very seldom do you see a drip machine besides the ones for commercial use.  French press is popular, but mainly it's all instant!  When I first mentioned this on Facebook, it was amusing how many comments I got of people worried for us not getting good coffee!
But.... I actually LIKE the instant!  It's so easy, and perhaps they have better brands of instant?  Or as Kari Armstrong says, it's all about the milk added!  I have to agree.  At first I was adding low fat milk, but the same instant coffee tasted better in other homes!  So I started adding "Fresh Milk" like everyone else, which is full fat, and it's lovely!  Yes, it's lovely!!
Ruben's been using the French Press, but now after almost 3 months, he's starting to like the instant too!  :)

Tea... it's easy to generalize that woman would drink only tea, and men drink tea and coffee.  But there are a lot of men here that only drink tea.  That blew me away!!  (It should not really have shocked me as I have a father who only drinks tea without a bag, aka hot water!)  I have got into the "supper" habit of drinking tea before bed with a biscuit (cookie).  This tradition I want to take home with me!  

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