Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Don't give up on this blog!

Hello! Just to let my few readers know that we are still blogging, it just hasn't been possible! First the laptop was packed early in Ireland. Then we were in Canada and completely jetlagged. Then we got home to our Internet, phone and fax lune being down and won't be fixed until tomorrow! I'm in blogging withdrawals! So this is a quick update on my iPhone to let you know I will catch up soon! Currently we are at Dell Children's hosital waiting for Madelynne's MRI to be completed. I was strong this time until the hand off. I just can't handle my baby being sedated :( I know at this moment there are other parents dealing with much much bigger issues with their babies, a little sedation is nothing in comparision, but it still gives me nerves and makes me bawl! More posts coming soon!


Andrea said...

Thinking of you right now!! Hang in there. Benjamin is asking to see the boys again real soon...hopefully it'll work out!

Alison said...

I'm still here! THinking of you all.

sharmilla said...

Thinking of you guys Lori!