Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This I will miss

I never tire of seeing this.

Only a 30 minute walk from our door.
You pass by here to go to and from our house by car.
I love the salt smell in the air.
I love seeing the joy in the boys faces as they play with their boats in the water, or throw rocks.  Madelynne is mesmerized by it too.
Water and the sea just simply make me happy.  Calms me.  So peaceful.  (As long as I am not in it!)
When we do go home, this I will miss!


Mary-Louise said...

beautiful scenery, that's for sure!!! back home you're not too too far from the ocean so you'll just have to take a drive south every now & then:)

Jessica said...

soo pretty!

love checking out ur blog!!
