Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Madelynne is 9 months old!

Another month, another milestone, as she is crawling now!  It's a whole new world to discover!  She doesn't go too far, at the moment, but I'm completely ok with that!  We don't have any safety gates, but every room has a door and that is going to be handy!
She is a busy little girl, discovering, content to sit and figure something out, then on to the next thing.
She likes to play with the boys trains too, they are not fans of that!  She bull dozes her way in on the tracks, and starts to play.  Then I hear the boys yelling, "MOMMY, CAN YOU COME AND MOVE MADELYNNE!"  Hee hee
Besides crawling, she has suddenly turned a fan of eating anything mommy eats, forget the baby food.  So her diet pretty much consists of (besides formula) mashed potatoes, toast, soft cheese, yogurt, cooked carrots, cooked apples, bananas and then the goodies daddy brought back from the USA just in time! Gerber Puffs, Yogurt Melts and L'il Crunchies, things you cannot buy here!  Now to ration them until we leave!  (More so to hide them from the boys...)
She has also started to be less clingy, yay!  She recognizes Auntie Laura and Auntie Julie immediately and will go to them and others now.  That gives me some tiny breaks that I haven't had since we left. :)


Andrea said...

She is just soooo cute & I love her hair. I'm wondering if Trevin will get any??!! Thanks for the bday wishes for Benjamin. He was wishing to see the boys on his bday. We miss you all!!!!!

Mary-Louise said...

happy 9 months madelynne!! i too love all her hair:) it totally opens a whole new world to them when they start crawling...and to the parents too:)

Sara, Justin, Simon and Max said...

What an adorable little girl, I absolutely love her expressions!! :):) Congratulations on the 9 month mark, Madelynn!!

Shaun and Bonnie said...

Hi Lori! I just came across your blog! It has been so long since I have seen you and so much has changed! Your kids are adorable! I enjoyed looking through your adventure in Ireland! Is that where you live now? I'd love to keep in touch! Thanks for letting us have a little look! Our email address is:!
Take Care, Bonnie Jordan

Alison said...

oh, she is too cute! love that last picture!