Saturday, February 23, 2013

Heart broken

My Journey Home < Coreen's blog link
My heart is breaking right now for this little family and all those who loved her.  But thankful for her beautiful example and faithful finish.  Coreen's words on her blog that have encouraged me so much:

I know... some of you may be thinking that I must already have brain metastases, but I assure you this is real. I am not unaware that there are some very real and terrible realities. I have a husband I love dearly and two beautiful children and it brings tears just writing this. BUT I also have a very real hope. I don’t believe God ever takes away, but that He gives back more. Me, I am going on to better things (with the help of Heaven). My family; God will take care of you. I promise.


Alison said...

This puts things into perspective. Thank you with tears...

Andrea said...

What a wonderful perspective.

sassta said...

So special