Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where is home?

I've been thinking alot about this recently.  Play this as you read if you want!

A very wise cousin of mine, who lives a long way from her birth home, once told me that "home is where you are with your family, and be content there, no wishing you were somewhere else."  I've thought about this often as we've moved through the years, and it has kept my attitude positive and I always choose to be happy where we are living, as I am together with our sweet little family.

I was feeling a little "home sick" on Dec 30th when I knew my extended family and friends were together at mom and dad's for their 40th anniversary surprise celebration.  I wasn't there to help out, wasn't in on the fun I knew they'd be having.  I was feeling left out, but by our choice since we moved, not them! :) I got to thinking, I'm feeling "home sick" but what "home?!" 

Yesterday as I was listening to my classical music, which so happens to be mainly Irish artists (Phil Coulter, Enya, Celtic Thunder, etc), as I listened to the traditional and haunting music, it always grabs me and makes me so glad I'm here in Ireland, there's just something about it.  I know when we left Ireland last year, I would hear this music and cry my eyes out missing Ireland.  The other day I saw a video on Alberta, and it made me cry.  When my boys miss their family and friends, which is often, be it in Texas or Alberta, it gets me all choked up.  When I see Ruben's mom on Skype completely missing the kids, it makes me cry. 

I find it interesting how I still think of the Bay Area in California as home.

Home is where you've lived as a family, created memories, grew together, bonded together, love abounding daily.  Home to us is not a house.

Today, home is Ireland.  Locals here can't figure out why we like it so much.  Every place has it's plus' and minus', so while here, we love it and will make the most of it.  It's where we need to be right now at this point in life, and we are grateful to have a little useful place here.  Yes it's a bit far away, but I wouldn't trade this experience and opportunity for anything.  We've gained more "family" and friends here, and when the day comes that we leave Ireland, there will be a huge whole in our hearts.

Ruben and I were laughing yesterday as I discussed this with him.  I guess him and I really are nomads.  We can't pinpoint as single spot where "home" is!

But right now together as a family, is home.


Anonymous said...

Love this outlook and spirit! Keep it up.

Sara, Justin, Simon and Max said...

Oh, How I understand! Thanks for your encouraging words!

Dragonflydownunder said...

Loved the music! You're so right- home is not a place. Home is where the heart is, and a little bit of your heart is in each one if those places because of the people you love! It's so good to be with them from time to time and fill your love cup up again. As our own little family grows they fill a bigger and bigger place in our heart, and then I'm torn by all the different places they live...
I often think of What Paul said "for I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content". My mum used to quote that, and she was an example.
You are having wonderful experiences for you and your family!!! Keep up the good work xx

Alison said...

Lovely Lori! The music along with your heartfelt words. You know, I've lived in the same place nearly all my life. Sometimes I long for a little change but then... I realize how lucky I truly am and I am so glad I can still call this beautiful place home! Yes, "home" is more than the house you live in. Thankyou!

Alison said...

p.s. You and I share the same music love! I go back and back to the same stuff and I can listen to it all over and over. Tranquility is our (Randy and I) all time favorite.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lori ..
Thinking of you
Love robin

tjp said...

Sweet post. (hugs)

Jennifer Uzzell said...

Couldn't say it better myself! Glad someone else feels the way we do. Miss you!

Aimee said...

Well said... couldn't agree more. Another thing about leaving a first, second and third home is how much your heart grows from all the people you love from each area. A major blessing of moving away.