Monday, June 13, 2011

Time at the Hoover's

Our dear friends let us come stay with them (and put up with us) in Katy for 4 nights and what a fun time it was!  And it was good for me too, Ms. Paula is full of awesomeness!  We swam, beached it, shopped, went to NASA and talked talked and talked!  THe kids loved it too!  I'm missing pictures from when we met up with my cousin Colin and Dayle-Marie, he got some good shots so if you are reading this, please email some to me!!

Snow cone time!

Pool and sprinkler park.


Goofy Chase!

Man made beach!

L'il brown eyes and l'il blue eyes.

The gang.

In Mr. Paul's boots!

Mason at NASA

Chase at NASA

Waiting to hear an actual Astronaut speak.  They even put their
hands up when asked if any questions...
Mason loudly said "Back here!" ...then they didn't have one! Was hilarious :)

Waiting for IMAX on "How to be an Astronaut"

Not much weight to hold her seat down!

Nelson had a good sleep in his cacoon!

Such a ham!

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