Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wednesday... getting so close to take off day!

Madelynne woke up with a hoarse throat :( and not feeling good.  First time she's lost her voice a little.  We had her monthly appointment with the Oncologist and chest x-rays, she's a picture of health.  Grandma is with us again, and boy are we thankful for Grandma's help and love and help and love... :)  After more errands, got some more packing in.  Hopefully the suitcases are zipped up by Thursday night and just relaxing until the flight to YYC on Friday!

Grandma and the boys in the parkade!  Cute picture!

 Chase helping....

 And now Mason too!

1 comment:

Connor & Leaine Felce said...

It's so good to see you packing suitcases......that means it isn't going to be long before we see you again!!!! We wish you a very safe journey and we look forward to seeing you in London next weekend. xxxx